[asterisk-users] how to match "no callerid" in 1.6 ?

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Fri Jul 24 03:37:38 CDT 2009

On 10:17, Fri 24 Jul 09, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
> Hi,
> This used to work fine in 1.4:
> 	exten => 2131/,1,NoOp(reject3: ${CALLERID(num)})
> 	exten => 2131/,n,Playback(no_unknow_callerid_here)
> 	exten => 2131/,n,Hangup
> And now, after upgrading to 1.6.1.x it matches every callerid.
> Did something change?

Yes, it's now working as it supposed to work.
Use something like this:

exten => 2131,1,GotoIf($["${CALERID(num)" = ""]?nocallerid,1)
exten => 2131,n,Dia(SIP/Something); or whatever you want to do

exten => nocallerid,1,Playback(no_unknown_callerid_here)
exten => nocallerid,n,Hangup()

Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.eu
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

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