[asterisk-users] *?

Steve Totaro stotaro at first-notification.com
Fri Jul 17 13:40:02 CDT 2009

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Miguel Molina <mmolina at millenium.com.co>wrote:

>  Steve Edwards escribió:
> On Fri, 17 Jul 2009, Steve Totaro wrote:
>  It may be** noload => pbx_dundi.so or some such.  Sorry for being so
> vague in my original answer but googling "noload dundi" would have given
> you the same answer I just did.
>  Oh come on Steve, you should have known you would end up googling when the
> OP starts with a great subject like "Asterisk Error."
> At least they didn't misspell Asterisk or use the ever so searchable "*"
> I'm expecting the list to atrophy (Idiocracy anyone?) to the point every
> post will carry the subject "*?"
>  Whoa, bad day? ... Now you can judge my subject :S
> Not all people (certainly more in this list) are expected to be
> ultragigageeks.
> Have a nice day.
> --
> Ing. Miguel Molina
> Grupo de Tecnología
> Millenium Phone Center
Yes Steve, Idocracy, great film.  "Go away, batin" LOL

Last thought and post on this topic.

Using Google does not make you an ultragigageek.  My mother uses it all the
time to find answers to her questions and she is the furthest person away
from any kind of geekdom.

You come to the Asterisk Users list and post "Asterisk Question" as your
subject.  How does that help describe your problem.

Many people will just skip over such nonsense.

I try to help but folks like you make me more reluctant to reply to
nonsensical subjects and replies that show you obviously didn't take the
time to try to find your own answer after I gave you a very pertinent hint.

Finally, no thank you or appreciation.  Nobody get's paid to try to help
people posting on this list.  It is a favor and you treat it as an

You sir, are a leech.  http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/L/leech.html

I don't know if there is a class to teach common sense but if there is
please enroll.

Steve Totaro
+18887771888 (Toll Free)
+12409381212 (Cell)
+12024369784 (Skype)
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