[asterisk-users] Help in oh323 gatekeeper

bilal ghayyad bilmar_gh at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 14 16:19:37 CDT 2009


I would like to ask: when Asterisk was registering on the gnugk, both (asterisk and gnugk) were on the same hardware machine and same IP address? Can they be on the same IP address?

In case they were on the same IP address then: I am afraid the oh323 channel in asterisk will respond for the H323 endpoint (IP Phone) instead of the gnugk (specially if the IP Phone was in routed mode and not register to gnugk)? I mean, if the IP Phone was need to place call via the gnugk in the routed mode, and the call need to be send for Asterisk, so how can u avoid that oh323 channel in asterisk from responding for the IP Phone instead of the gnugk it self? Because if u let the IP Phone send the call for the IP address that asterisk running on it, then the h323 channel in the asterisk will respond as u know, so how to let the gnugk respond and not the asterisk h323 channel?


> Dear All,
>      I have installed GNU gatekeeper in
> my machine. I tested the calls using
> gatekeeper successfully.
>     Now I have tried to Disable the gatekeeper in
> oh323.conf file
>    gatekeeper=DISABLE
>     Now I have tried to call, but the connection
> is not established. I have
> got following warning message in console.
>               "
> WARNING[8446]: chan_oh323.c:3555 cleanup_h323_connection:
> Call 'ip$' not found
> (clear). "
>     Please any one give suggestions to disable
> the gatekeeper access in
> Asterisk...
> Thanks in Advance...
> Regards,
> Velusamy.K


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