[asterisk-users] Using the PBX Directory from a Blackberry

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Fri Jul 3 01:46:53 CDT 2009

On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 09:02:05PM -0700, Trevor Hammonds wrote:

> "Anyhow, on the Blackberry, when you hold down the Alt key and press the
> alpha character, the device sends out the correct digit tone associated with
> that character, like on a regular phone keypad."

Any chance of answering the OR?

There is no DTMF tone associated with digits (over D). So they must be
using something else. Any idea what?

If not: could you please provide some recordings of sume such tones (in
a ulaw / alaw codec, if possible).

               Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755              jabber:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
http://www.xorcom.com  iax:guest at local.xorcom.com/tzafrir

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