[asterisk-users] * as VM for legacy PBX?

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Wed Jul 1 10:39:15 CDT 2009

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Ken D'Ambrosio <ken at jots.org> wrote:

> Hi, all.  I've got an old Telrad PBX with an Emagen(?) voicemail box.  The
> VM box, itself, is beginning to show its age.  Big-time.  We're thinking it
> might be time to look for a replacement.  I'd love to install Asterisk
> with an FXO card or something, but I don't think it supports whatever
> protocol legacy PBX's used to speak to VM systems.  If someone can tell me
> I'm wrong, a six pack of their favorite $BEVERAGE will magically appear at
> their door.
> Thanks much!
> -Ken
I have done this many times.  First, unplug one of the ports that goes to
your voicemail and plug a regular pots phone into it (PBX).

Make a call to VM (has to go out on the port you have the handset plugged
into), answer it and listen.

If you hear a bunch of DTMF then you are golden.

Steve Totaro
+18887771888 (Toll Free)
+12409381212 (Cell)
+12024369784 (Skype)
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