[asterisk-users] Text messaging and Asterisk

Gordon Henderson gordon+asterisk at drogon.net
Mon Jan 19 10:52:02 CST 2009

On Mon, 19 Jan 2009, Pascal Bruno wrote:

> Is it possible for asterisk to send sms through a GSM gateway, tor example
> the Portech MV-37X?
> If yes, any examples of configurations would be really apreciated.

AIUI, the Portechs can recieve TXTs and you can see them via their Web 
interface.. I don't think you can send with them.

However, I can get asterisk to send TXT messages via a GSM gateway I have 
on the serial port of the server using the Linux command-line SMS 
programs. That's easy enough.

   System(putsms 44mobilenumber 'message goes here')

However, it takes my Siemens TC35 GSM terminal about 4.5 seconds to send 
each message which might stall a dial-plan somewhat... But there are 
various message handling systems avalable that will queue outgoing 
messages, etc. so the send command can return instantly to the dialplan 
with sending going on in the background.


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