[asterisk-users] Call file in the future

didier.cuffaut didier.cuffaut at neuf.fr
Mon Jan 19 08:02:04 CST 2009

First, thanks for your help

Ok, i going to do a script and call ot with only one 'System' (cf Gordon Henderson) and take a look to 'incron' (T Cohen)

Just need some explanations:

1) If the call file 'failed', an 'exitstatus' is happend....Good 
How to check/get these $ and put in in an * $ ? (of course, the call file have to have archive= yes and go to 'outgoing-done')
sorry, i'm not a linux guru and it's not a pure Asterisk pb..... Anyway, could someone show me the complete exact way and syntax to do this?

????Using something as: $ egrep -vw "(^#|^)" file | awk -F " " '{ print $2 }'  (or some use of awk)

2) From my first post, are these lines  OK or wrong? (syntax error?)
  tmsp = the delay in future.. say 100 seconds

  exten=> ra,n,System(NOW='date %S')

  exten=> ra,n,System(let NOW=$NOW+$tmsp)

  exten=> ra,n,System(TOUCH_TMSP='date -d "1970-01-01 $NOW sec GMT+1" +%Y%m%d%H%M. %S)   < NOTE THE 'M. %S'


  or this way ?


  exten=> ra,n,Set(touchtime=$[${EPOCH} + ${tmsp}])

  exten=> ra,n,Set(TOUCH_TMSP=${STRFM(${touchtime},GMT+1,%C%y%m%d%H%M%S)


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