[asterisk-users] Not Dialing 9

Jeff LaCoursiere jeff at jeff.net
Thu Jan 8 21:22:59 CST 2009

On Thu, 8 Jan 2009, Brent Vrieze wrote:

> Thczv F. Thczv wrote:


>> and not
>> have to use a timeout when dialing long distance.


> I think you are over thinking this.  We set our Asterisk server up with
> multiple outgoing dial rules to handle local and long distance.  Keep in
> mind that we are connected to SIP provider that takes care of some of
> this for us.

[snip excellent explanation of pattern matching]

The key quote above is "and not have to use a timeout when dialing long 
distance".  Sure Asterisk (and thus Trixbox) can match your pattern once 
you have sent it on, but that assumes that the phone must wait the 
inter-digit timeout before sending a three digit extension that MIGHT be 
the start of dialing a long distance number.

I have done the same thing, and no I don't think you are missing anything 
for your home setup.



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