[asterisk-users] bridge 2 calls

amit mehta amit.magnate at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 01:29:30 CST 2009

Hi Rilawich,

I worked recently on it and that is why can give you the idea how i achived it.

You can write an PHP script to get the number and name of the
customer.You can phpself to the script.Then you can use an API script
to use that number to orignate the call.The channel will be used to
call the asterisk internal agent and the other line will call the
number that was input by the customer and bridge the call.

Hope this might help you.

Amit Mehta
Cell: +91 9898340962

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Rilawich Ango <maillisting at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I want to build a web page for user to input a phone number.  Then,
> the number will input to asterisk and it will makes call.  At that
> moment, asterisk will make another call to a internal ext.  Finally
> asterisk will bridge 2 calls together for conversion.
> Does asterisk can do it?  How?
> Thanks, Ango
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