[asterisk-users] Need help - CDR MySQL

Cyprus VoIP voipcy at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 08:30:54 CDT 2009

Hello all,

I'm trying to activate (on Asterisk the cdr_mysql addon, but 
without success.

Is there a proper online manual that describes all the steps to follow 
and debugging/monitoring information?

When I type in the CLI "module show", cdr_addon_mysql.so is not listed, 
although in modules.conf, I added the line "load => cdr_addon_mysql.so". 
I also tried "preload", but it didn't change anything.

I also checked "res_mysql.conf" and "cdr_mysql.conf", and the entire 
necessary data for the mysql server is there.

In "cdr_manager.conf" and "cdr.conf", I set "enabled = yes" in "[general]".

I would appreciate any help I can get at this point, as I'm clueless as 
to what can be wrong.


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