[asterisk-users] PRI worked fine for months, now it stopps working after 2-3 hours

Loic Didelot ldidelot at mixvoip.com
Wed Aug 26 04:43:59 CDT 2009

the problem just reappeared.

Last lines of dmesg:
[ 2936.169191] wcte12xp0: Missed interrupt. Increasing latency to 6 ms
in order to compensate.
[ 4734.685566] wcte12xp0: Missed interrupt. Increasing latency to 7 ms
in order to compensate.

 cat /proc/zaptel/1
Span 1: WCT1/0 "Wildcard TE121 Card 0" (MASTER) HDB3/CCS/CRC4 
	IRQ misses: 3

	   1 WCT1/0/1 Clear (In use) 
	   2 WCT1/0/2 Clear (In use) 
	   3 WCT1/0/3 Clear (In use) 
	   4 WCT1/0/4 Clear (In use) 
	   5 WCT1/0/5 Clear (In use) 
	   6 WCT1/0/6 Clear (In use) 
	   7 WCT1/0/7 Clear (In use) 
	   8 WCT1/0/8 Clear (In use) 
	   9 WCT1/0/9 Clear (In use) 
	  10 WCT1/0/10 Clear (In use) 
	  11 WCT1/0/11 Clear (In use) 
	  12 WCT1/0/12 Clear (In use) 
	  13 WCT1/0/13 Clear (In use) 
	  14 WCT1/0/14 Clear (In use) 
	  15 WCT1/0/15 Clear (In use) 
	  16 WCT1/0/16 HDLCFCS (In use) 
	  17 WCT1/0/17 Clear (In use) 
	  18 WCT1/0/18 Clear (In use) 
	  19 WCT1/0/19 Clear (In use) 
	  20 WCT1/0/20 Clear (In use) 
	  21 WCT1/0/21 Clear (In use) 
	  22 WCT1/0/22 Clear (In use) 
	  23 WCT1/0/23 Clear (In use) 
	  24 WCT1/0/24 Clear (In use) 
	  25 WCT1/0/25 Clear (In use) 
	  26 WCT1/0/26 Clear (In use) 
	  27 WCT1/0/27 Clear (In use) 
	  28 WCT1/0/28 Clear (In use) 
	  29 WCT1/0/29 Clear (In use) 
	  30 WCT1/0/30 Clear (In use) 
	  31 WCT1/0/31 Clear (In use) 

Best regards,

On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 10:34 +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 08:53:18AM +0200, Loic Didelot wrote:
> > Hello,
> > we have several customers with a PRI line and a Wildcard TE121.
> > Everything worked fine, but now are one customer the PRI stops working
> > after a few hours.
> > 
> > "zap show channel 1" shows that the channel is InAlarm. I the log files
> > of asterisk I see that the D-Channel seems down. Restarting asterisk
> > does not help, but rebooting the whole server resolves the problem for
> > another 2-3 hours.
> The obvious stupid question: Does Zaptel (The kernel) report that the
> span is in alarm? 
> cat /proc/zaptel/1
MIXvoip S.a.
Tel: +352 20 3333 20
Fax: +352 20 3333 90
ldidelot at mixvoip.com

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