[asterisk-users] User-invoked call restrictions

David A. Bandel david.bandel at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 21:39:10 CDT 2009


Had a request from a customer:  is it possible for a customer, using a
password to restrict others from making long distance/cell calls?
That is, the user set a level of service?

Something like this:
Customer dials a number -- "operator" asks for password, then service
level (another number).  Service level would be something like:
1 - allow inbound calls only
2 - allow 1 + local/toll free calls
3 - allow 2 + long distance national
4 - allow 3 + cell calls
0 - allow 4 + international calls (basically cancel all call restrictions)

Dialing to restricted zones would evoke a message from the operator
that the phone is blocked by owner.

Code examples?  Hints?  RTFM URL?


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
            - Nemesis Air Racing Team motto
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