[asterisk-users] Cannot play soundfile, doesnt find it or wrong format? Weird, worked yesterday! :-)

Steve Edwards asterisk.org at sedwards.com
Thu Aug 20 23:24:14 CDT 2009

On Fri, 21 Aug 2009, Lee, John (Sydney) wrote:

> Is this the one you are talking about?
> Do you mean that if I play MOH using any of the formats below, then 
> there will be no CPUs wasted for translation purposes?
> *CLI> core show codecs

[irrelevant display of codecs snipped]


That command just shows you what codec number means what codec name.

You should familiarize yourself with each Asterisk CLI command and what 
they do. I'm a 1.2 Luddite, so the syntax may be different, but enter 
"help" in one shell and in another enter "help" followed by the commands 
displayed in the first shell one by one.

I was referring to the "sip show peers" command (your syntax may vary) to 
get a list of your peers and then "sip show <peer-name>" for each of the 
peers. Towards the end of the information displayed, you will see a line 
similar to "Codecs : 0x4 (ulaw)" followed by "Codec Order : (ulaw)."

My output shows that I only allow ulaw, and that ulaw is considered first 
(obviously since I only allow 1 codec).

To find the codecs that are actually being used by a particular channel 
(which may change depending on the allowed codecs and the codec order of 
each endpoint of the call), enter "show channels" to get a list of the 
active channels followed by "show channel <channel-name>."

In the information displayed you will see information similar to 
"NativeFormat: 4, WriteFormat: 64, ReadFormat: 64" which, using the "show 
codecs" command you can determine which codecs are in use for the call.

The "holy grail" to avoid transcoding is to have all of the codecs (I 
consider it inconsistent to use the word "format" here) the same and to 
have sound files encoded with that codec as well.

That, based on my limited understanding of the process, is that :)

Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards       sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline                                              Fax: +1-760-731-3000

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