[asterisk-users] CURL function with SSL

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Fri Aug 14 17:06:36 CDT 2009

On Friday 14 August 2009 16:14:32 Wenbin Zhang wrote:
> Tilghman Lesher wrote:
> > On Friday 14 August 2009 15:48:08 Tilghman Lesher wrote:
> >> On Friday 14 August 2009 15:09:27 Wenbin Zhang wrote:
> >>> Tilghman Lesher wrote:
> >>>> On Friday 14 August 2009 10:48:08 Wenbin Zhang wrote:
> >>>>> David Gibbons wrote:
> >>>>>> You probably want to set the option
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Especially with chained certificates (cheapos from godaddy, etc), I
> >>>>>> have had lots of trouble with CURL being able to validate a cert.
> >>>>>> That's probably because I didn't tell it where the root certs
> >>>>>> were... but either way.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks David. Your help is appreciated. But can I ask you one more
> >>>>> thing? I am wondering where I should set CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to
> >>>>> FALSE? Thank you very mcuh.
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm not aware that you can set that independently right now.  In
> >>>> 1.6.2, it's at least a possibility, with the introduction of the
> >>>> CURLOPT() dialplan function, but even then, that's not one of the
> >>>> included options (yet). Starting with the first release candidate,
> >>>> though, it should be.
> >>>
> >>> Thank you very much Tilghman. I am using asterisk 1.4 version. So if
> >>> CURL can not get the data from the SSL server, is there any other way
> >>> to make this purpose done? Thank you very much.
> >>
> >> Well, the above was a workaround, should you not be able  to get the
> >> certificates lined up exactly right.  If you actually got the
> >> certificates configured correctly with the libcurl configuration, then
> >> there isn't an issue.
> >
> > And the way to do this is in step 3 or 5 of the following URL:
> > http://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html
> Can I use SET(CURL=${System(wget --no-check-certificate
> "https://.....")}) to get the variable? Thank you!

No.  System is an application, not a function.  If you were using 1.6.0
or above, you could use SHELL(), however.

Tilghman & Teryl
with Peter, Cottontail, Midnight, Thumper, & Johnny (bunnies)
and Harry, BB, & George (dogs)

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