[asterisk-users] "Channels stuck up even without use"

Steve Howes steve at geekinter.net
Thu Aug 13 03:32:02 CDT 2009

On 13 Aug 2009, at 07:51, das sandesh wrote:

> Hi All,
> I had a problem yesterday, that our asterisk server showed 2  
> channels were in use continuously, but nobody were using any of them  
> at that time. I had to kill them using "softhangup" and I checked  
> all the logs but could not find why exactly this problem occurred,  
> as the system was running fine for many months till yesterday...Once  
> I killed the channels it is fine now, but I wanted to know where can  
> I find what might have caused this problem? We use Polycom 320  
> phones and asterisk version

Analogue? ISDN? SIP?

If its SIP its probably a lost packet. Sticking on max call length and  
silence detection might help.


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