[asterisk-users] Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise + Asterisk with E1

Rob Hillis rob at hillis.dyndns.org
Fri Apr 17 11:41:26 CDT 2009

Sebastian Milioto wrote:
> 2. What E1 card should I buy for Asterisk? Is the physical interface
> (conectors) E1 identical as T1?

The connectors are identical, however the protocol isn't.  However, just
about all the T1 cards I'm aware of support E1 as well - usually
selected by a jumper on the card.
> 3. If cost wasn't a problem, do you suggest another interconection way
> technically better? May be replacing Asterisk with another device with
> an in-box E1?

Theoretically the Alcatel OmniPCX could be trunked to Asterisk via SIP. 
Sometime very soon, I'll be trying to integrate ~40 OmniPCX systems via
SIP, but haven't begun work on it yet.

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