[asterisk-users] Set CDR(src) from dialplan

"ROQUÉ, Francisco Emiliano" froque at 3tech.com.ar
Thu Apr 16 13:44:27 CDT 2009

Hello, i have a question.

  How can I set CDR data in dialplan? Set(CDR(src)=${EXTEN})

exten => s,1,Set(CDR(ACCOUNTCODE)=${EXTEN}) ; works fine!
exten => s,n,Set(CDR(src)=${EXTEN}) ; gives me the following error:
*ERROR[10269]: cdr.c:289 ast_cdr_setvar: Attempt to set a read-only


Ing Francisco Roqué
3Tech SRL
Plaza Paso Nº92, EP B
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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