[asterisk-users] BLF call pickup on Linksys SPA932

Stefan Schmidt sst at sil.at
Thu Sep 11 07:50:29 CDT 2008

Chris Bagnall schrieb:



first you have to use the lastest firmware for the spa962. When you have
this installed you will see a input field for pickup code in the webif
for the spa932

just put a # after the pickup code you want to use (**# should work for you)

the # after the pickup code sends the configured user for this button,
after the code i.E. **201

best regards

Für weitere Fragen stehen wir gerne unter voip at sil.at oder
059944 - 2440 zur Verfügung.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Stefan Schmidt
Sysadmin/VOIP // sst at sil.at // Tel 059944-2440//
SILVER SERVER GmbH // Lorenz-Mandl-Gasse 33/1 //
A-1160 Wien // Fax 059944-9000 // www.sil.at  //

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