[asterisk-users] [OT] Re: Asterisk realtime MySQL clients from same IP problem

Patrick Maartense pmaartense at csbenter.at
Mon Sep 8 11:32:29 CDT 2008

> Likely, for you, like me, it's not that his email client is indersting
> blank lines... it's that whatever you're using to render his HTML
> into text is doing it -- for me, it's lynx under Mutt.

No. I configured my email client not to render the text/html part.
(Not wanting to render a specific MIME type is perfectly acceptable.)
And there are blank lines in his text/plain part. The problem with
those MS user agents is that they create a paragraph (<p>) as soon
as you hit return and then convert that to 2 lines breaks in plain

> He probably just needs to find the "send HTML email" knob and turn it
> off.

Easier is to set this for just the "user" your sending to, 
I am not a MS guy , but my PC  is so configured because of company
stanards. Don't bash MS, I cant help it either..

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