[asterisk-users] Asterisk just stops working...

Nicolas Ross rossnick-lists at cybercat.ca
Tue May 27 13:31:05 CDT 2008

> On Tue, 27 May 2008 13:11:22 -0400, Nicolas Ross wrote
>> Now, when my server begin not to respond, when I do a sip show peers, I 
>> only
>> see a subset of the users, and not the summary line. If I do other 
>> commands
>> like "core show channels", it simply shows nothing at all. Not even a "0
>> active channels". Reload, or any other similar commands goes unansered. 
>> The
>> "core" works as it still answers calls on the PRI, but sip extensions 
>> can't
>> be reached, etc.
> I have had asterisk do this if its hanging on a DNS request.. you got any 
> peers in there
> using DNS?

I don,t beleive it's the case. I beleive asterisk would still answer to the 
"core show channels" command if it were the case...

The clients (phones) are configured to register with a fqdn domain. The 
peers are type=friend, host-dynamic.

I did change some changes to my dialplan so that I don't use queues and 
agents anymore... We'll see if it happens again.

By the way, my asterisk doesn't crash, I don't have a core dump. And since 
core show locks doesn't provide anything when I'm in that situation, how 
could I contribute ?


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