[asterisk-users] Asterisk concurrent calls count

Jay R. Ashworth jra at baylink.com
Sun May 18 10:56:00 CDT 2008

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 02:45:09AM -0400, Steve Totaro wrote:
> Let me clarify this a bit with some ramblings if anyone cares to read,
> if not move along.
> Yes, I was whining a bit.
> I always recommend what I think fits best for a customer.  I am not in
> the "Digium Foodchain" because of the first statement.  I swear
> allegiance to nobody except my customers, who are trusting me to ask
> the right questions, feel them out, be a mind reader to a degree, and
> deliver the best customized solution for them that I can.

Good.  You're hired.  :-)

> I have purchased and installed SwitchVoxen a couple of times, more
> than a year before they were acquired by Digium.  I am not positive,
> but I am pretty sure the pricing model was much different.  Anyways,
> if you google my name and SwitchVox you will see that I have always
> (time and time again) said it was a great product, and it is.

[ URL elided; I'll take your word for it. ]

> I guess I hate to see something I have viewed as such a huge paradigm
> shift and disruptive force from selling boxes to selling knowledge.  I
> hate to see things going back to the status quo of the old world (such
> as feature pricing).

Aha.  Got it.  And yeah, I have some sympathy for that viewpoint.  But
as people would tell *me*: Look!  An opportunity!!

> BUT, as stated, I am not forced to use SwitchVox or any commercial
> product for that matter and Digium has to make money too so I was off
> base on that.  While SwitchVox is Asterisk, Asterisk is not Switchvox.


> I do however, think that Digium should provide some rough concurrent
> call figures and I guess that is how I got off topic on this SwitchVox
> tangent.  There are some common feature sets, especially when looking
> at PBX functionality with or without Zap or transcoding hardware that
> could be published (with a disclaimer of course).  There are also
> common server platforms but that is more of a moving target.

Sure.  But can you understand the point Tilghman was making there?
They quote those numbers as "cover our ass" numbers; their intention is
to avoid running up their tech support expense too much.

The task you're after is more properly a community task, I should

Yo, Matt!  Feel free to chime in here.  :-)

> Maybe if Sangoma publishes some along those lines, then Digium will
> follow suit.


> Maybe just side by side benchmarking would be sufficient to both give
> an idea on scaling and also compare like hardware from different
> vendors.  I would probably even throw FreeSwitch into mix.  Word has
> it that FS can scale up much larger for setting up and tearing down
> calls.  I am an FS newb as of now so it is hearsay.

Yeah; I liked what I saw from the inside, but some people tell me it's
kinda hincky internally, as well.

Course, a DMS-100 probably is, too.  ;-)

> I like Digium and how they are "Boldly Going Where no Man has Gone
> Before" (before the politically correct version :-)

You did see the final episode of "Star Trek: Enterprise", right?

>                                                        It must be hard
> coming up with a new business model and while they do things such as
> EOLing 1.2 and putting out untested, broken 1.4 code (I could go on
> but I am don't want to come across as bashing Digium).

I'm used to it: I program in filePro.  :-)

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                   Baylink                      jra at baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com                     '87 e24
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

	     Those who cast the vote decide nothing.
	     Those who count the vote decide everything.
	       -- (Joseph Stalin)

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