[asterisk-users] No-mobo PC for USB Drives Enclosure?
C. Chad Wallace
cwallace at lodgingcompany.com
Tue May 13 22:59:21 CDT 2008
At 11:45 PM on 13 May 2008, Matthew Rubenstein wrote:
> The drives are 750GB drives, each one a different related set
> of apps from a different Asterisk machine. I've consolidated them all
> into a single Asterisk server. And I already have the existing PC
> chassis and power supply, as well as the $10 each SATA/USB adapters.
> If I can just figure out how to power them from the PC power supply
> without plugging in a useless motherboard, I'll have it done without
> spending any money (other than whatever cheap part tells the power
> supply to run without a mobo).
What I do to power up a supply without a mobo is short the green wire
to a black one (on an ATX 20-pin connector) with a small piece of
metal--like a staple straightened and then bent in half, or a piece of a
paper clip. As soon as you plug the supply into AC, it powers up.
Not sure if this is very safe... but it works for me every time.
I guess you might want to avoid letting the shunt contact the case...
however, given that the black wires are ground, I wouldn't worry too
much about it.
Anyway, this advice comes with no warranty... Use it at your own
risk. If anything breaks, you get to keep both parts. ;-)
C. Chad Wallace, B.Sc.
The Lodging Company
OpenPGP Public Key ID: 0x262208A0
Debian Hint #22: Wondering which Debian mirror is best for you? Check
out the apt-spy and netselect-apt packages, which can give you
information about how various mirror sites perform.
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