[asterisk-users] SLN File Format

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at amooma.de
Thu May 8 09:11:24 CDT 2008

David Backeberg schrieb:
>> Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
>>  > The only downside is that you can simply concatenate two files using
>>  > 'cat file1 file2 >file1file2' with wav as you can with raw formats
>>  > (provided that both originals are of the same format), because the
>>  > header is not part of the stream.
>>  Correction for the archives ... you can _not_ simply concatenate two [wav]
>>  files.  :)
> Agreed. With wavs, you first have to convert to a raw format, then you
> can concatenate, then you can convert back to wav.

Just out of curiosity:
I can't remember when I last had to concatenate 2 sound files.
So why does this always come up? IMHO it's one of those things
you hardly ever need.(?)

Philipp Kempgen
Asterisk-Tag.org 2008, May 26th/27th  -> http://www.asterisk-tag.org
amooma GmbH - Bachstr. 126 - 56566 Neuwied  ->  http://www.amooma.de
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Wintermeyer, Handelsregister: Neuwied B14998

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