[asterisk-users] Out-Going Calleriid

Edwin Lam edwin.lam at officegeneral.com
Wed May 7 19:32:38 CDT 2008

Tim Guy wrote:
> Installing a new box onto UK NTL (Virgin Media)
> During testing phase the callerid worked, now it doesn't.
> Can someone confirm that my syntax is right before I start ripping the
> configs to bits
> exten => _9.,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=01926xxxxxx)
> exten => _9.,2,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN:1})
> Ive tried all permutations of the CALLERID (ie CALLERID(NAME) and
> CALLERID(NUMBER) but it just wont work anymore.
> Zapata has the following relevant settings
> usecallerid=yes 
> hidecallerid=no 
> callwaiting=yes

you may need to add
in zapata.conf

and also add
exten => _9.,n,SetCallerPres(allow)
before the Dial command in extensions.conf.

Edwin Lam <edwin.lam at officegeneral.com>
Systems Engineer, Office General, Inc.
Ph: +1 415 439 4988 Fax: +1 415 283 3370

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