[asterisk-users] sip show peers

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at amooma.de
Fri May 2 12:35:48 CDT 2008

Jerry Geis schrieb:
>> >/ When doing a "sip show peers" I might see something like:
>> />/ Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port
>> />/ Status
>> />/ devcentos5x64_to_mmfirepa               5060
>> />/ Unmonitored
>> />/ devcentos5x64_to_bt610tMM               5060
>> />/ Unmonitored
>> />/ devcentos5x64_to_am2mm/de               5060
>> />/ Unmonitored
>> />/
>> />/ Where the Name/username is truncated.
>> />/
>> />/ Is there a method to display this information and to NOT have that
>> />/ truncated?
>> /
>> The manager interface is an excellent source, or "sip show peer xxxx"
>> I don't think you use the "username" so in most cases it's not  
>> important. We should propably remove it
>> from "sip show peers" not to confuse people. It did really confuse me  
>> when I started to use Asterisk
>> many years ago.
> Olle,
> I am using the first field to "lookup" information about my client 
> asterisk connections.
> Problem is the FULL name is not given. I am using it to look up IP 
> address of the client.
> So I need the FULL name in the first column and the IP address of course.
> Is there another way to get it? Is there a way not to truncate the 
> name/username?

Yeah, sometimes it would be helpful if asterisk -rx 'command' didn't
pretty print but instead fall back to an easily parseable output
format (like TSV with cslashes) if stdout isn't connected to a tty

  Philipp Kempgen

amooma GmbH - Bachstr. 126 - 56566 Neuwied - http://www.amooma.de
    Let's use IT to solve problems and not to create new ones.
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