[asterisk-users] New generic sounds

Johansson Olle E oej at edvina.net
Fri May 2 09:46:58 CDT 2008

2 maj 2008 kl. 00.00 skrev Tilghman Lesher:

> We're about to do another batch of sounds, and I see by my word  
> count that we
> have some extra time left over.  So, suggestions will be entertained  
> for
> additional prompts in English, Spanish, or French.  The only rules  
> are: 1) the
> prompts have to be generic to Asterisk.  No "Welcome to so-and-so's  
> business"
> unless the business is fake and the prompt is funny.  2) The prompt  
> may not be
> profane.  Our professional speakers do have a sense of humor, but  
> there are
> some things they just will not say.
> I'll open it to the floor now, with the caveat that since Digium is  
> paying for
> the recording session, it maintains final editorial approval over  
> which sounds
> are selected.

I would suggest holiday-related prompts, like

"The office is closed for christmas"
"Happy thanksgiving"
"Happy summer solstice"
"We're closed for the weekends"
"Shopping holiday"



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