[asterisk-users] Druid Open Source Edition

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Sun Mar 16 14:51:31 CDT 2008

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Senad Jordanovic <senad at bicom.us> wrote:
> Joshua Wilson wrote:
>  > It is the same whether you are using trixbox, switchbox, pbxware or any
>  > other system roughly. You have to use their system. Sometimes, this is
>  > the only way to make sure everything they support is installed and
>  > integrated properly without problems.
>  >
>  Hi Joshua,
>  PBXware has tarball delivery method allowing you to use whatever Linux
>  distro you choose. This was actually its very first delivery method
>  before CD, appliance of VPSes.
>  Regards,
>  Senad
>  www.bicomsystems.com

It's funny how Senad and Bicom show up in any GUI thread ;-)

Anyways, I am assuming manual installation is possible but no
directions. I was able to chmod the install.pl and run it with
SetupAll, output is as follows:
[root at localhost trunk]# ./install.pl SetupAll

Adding appropriate asterisk files necessary for DRUID...DONE
Setting up Asterisk Manager for DRUID...DONE
Setting up Asterisk voicemail for use with DRUID...DONE
Setting up Druid specific extensions.conf additions...DONE
Setting up other Asterisk related operations...DONE
Setting up zaptel configuration...DONE
Setting setup for auto-provisioning...useradd: user druid exists
Setting up remaining configuration...DONE
Reloading asterisk...DONE!

I am assuming that the remaining directories need to be manually
placed in the proper location or symlinked or even reconfigure apache
(/admin for instance).  Files in the /conf directory need to go in

[root at localhost conf]# ls
dialpattern.conf  druid_exten.conf      druid_httpd.conf  itsp.conf
druid_exten.ael   druid_func_odbc.conf  features.conf     sudoers


Just from a cursory look, if chmod the install.pl file, ./install.pl
SetupAll and drop the rest into your root HTML folder with the correct
permissions the only other thing you need besides apache is Postgres.

I don't have time to figure it right out now, but it is pretty clear
that the ISO is not required, just a little experimenting (and the
eventual documentation if someone gets around to it).

Steve Totaro

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