[asterisk-users] Dead Air on PF firewall

NOC ph nocph at aol.com
Tue Mar 11 06:56:28 CDT 2008

Yes, here's my sip.conf

register = 1000:vbox at
callevents = yes
port = 5060
nat = yes
canreinvite = no
#bindaddr = - if I en able this call cannot go out...
localnet =
externip =


Michiel van Baak wrote:
> On 17:31, Tue 11 Mar 08, NOC ph wrote:
>> Hi Mich,
>> I added the following line for the RTP its still the same, I can hear 
>> ring but no voice when answer from the other side. Any more ideas?
> Firewall rules look ok now.
> Like I said, did you set externip and localnet settings in
> asterisk sip.conf ?

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