[asterisk-users] Shared Extension

Tony Plack Tony at plack.net
Mon Mar 10 18:57:04 CDT 2008

I would say you understand exactly.  It is kind of a SLA, but not.

SLA does great with a inbound trunk line and multiple extensions, but even in SLA, if one extension is busy, the others ring.

There is no way to tell asterisk that if it gets a busy on one of the channels, that the extension is busy, period.

The terminology to say that multiple extensions appear as a single extension is not correct either.  To say that you would have to define an extension in the system and that each of these extension numbers is pooled in a Local type dial command to the single extension.  So because that terminology is not adequate, I am using one extension to multiple channels.

I am trying to create a single extension to multiple channels (lines) {exten => 5000,1,Dial(SIP\1234&SIP\phone&Local\12225551212)} but respecting busy on any channel is busy on the extension.  Almost the reverse of SLA, but with all the behavior of a single extension to a single channel  {exten => 5000,1,Dial(SIP\1234)}

Thanks for working with me to clarify.

Tony Plack

> I don't quite understand the use case, but it sounds like you may
> be trying to do shared line appearances
> (http://asterisk.org/node/48342). You seem to be alluding that you
> want multiple extensions to share the state of a single extension.
> If that is the case, then SLA isn't quite that. Also, Asterisk SLA
> doesn't support a notion of call appearance where a single
> extension can receive multiple calls.
> --
> Raj

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