[asterisk-users] Newbie in China: Red alaram in Zaptel for E1

Edwin Lam edwin.lam at officegeneral.com
Wed Jul 30 18:22:07 CDT 2008

Lee, John (Sydney) wrote:
>> i've installed several Asterisk systems in Shanghai & Beijing.
> Thanks Edwin.
> The remote site is in Shanghai and NETCOM is the telco.
> Do you know if their E1 line is MFC/R2 or EuroISDN?

i'm not sure if they provide MFC/R2. but we always
ordered PRI from them. as far as switch type. seems like
nobody in CNC can give us a definite answer, but we have
success using EuroISDN swicth type.

>> red alarm usually means there's no clocking signal.
>> check all your cables (crossover vs straight through)
> As far as the cable goes, this is a bit complicated.  The way it works
> is the telco delivers a fibre optic cable to the floor and the fibre
> terminates on a fibre optic multiplexer.  Then the multiplexer is
> connected to a Fast Ethernet to E1 converter which has a RJ45 port.  We
> then connect this RJ45 port to the TE412P port.
> Anyway what you said is still a good point - I will try replacing the
> straight through cable with a crossover and give it a go.
>> if the cable's good. call phone company and complain.
>> in my experience 9 out of 10 time we have to call
>> phone company and complain.
> How should we complain?  Are there any technical details we need to show
> them?  It is a different country though.

if after you tried both straight through & crossover cables and
it still give you RED alarm. just tell them you can't get any
clocking signal. they'll probably send someone on site and test
the line.

p.s. note that T1/E1 crossover cable pin out is not the same
as ethernet crossover cable.

Edwin Lam <edwin.lam at officegeneral.com>
Systems Engineer, Office General, Inc.
Ph: +1 415 439 4988 Fax: +1 415 283 3370

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