[asterisk-users] Newbie in China: Red alaram in Zaptel for E1

Paul Hales pdhales at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jul 30 01:50:14 CDT 2008

Dan Austin wrote:
> John wrote:
>> Thanks Steve for your suggestions.
>>> In China you will generally get either MFC/R2 or EuroISDN. MFC/R2 is
>>> much more common.
>> This is exactly my current problem.
>> NETCOM in Shanghai just told my local contact it is an E1 and that's it.
>> I have no idea whether it is MFC/R2 or EuroISDN and so there is a lot of
>> trial and error, not to mention about communicating with the telco.
>> Is there anyway I could find out from zaptel what the line signal is?
> International installs are always fun.  I have had some luck getting a
> local employee to relay my questions about provisioning, but all to often
> the response is 'We use the standard settings...'.  At that point I
> resort to trial and error.
> I have setup a circuit in Shanghai, it is an E1, CRC4/HDB3 with the
> telco switch being/or compatible with AT&T 5ESS.  You should be able
> to get Netcom to tell you if the circuit is ISDN or not.  Asking
> if it is a PRI will just confuse them, but they do understand the
> question 'ISDN or not ISDN'
>>> The only oddity with EuroISDN is that it often provided without CRC4.
>>> That doesn't make a lot of sense, but there it is. MFC/R2 seems to be
>>> universally provided without CRC4 in China.
>> That's great info, Steve.

Just to comment - this is a great thread. I am expecting that the answer 
will either be quite interesting or quite odd.


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