[asterisk-users] distintive ring

Anselm Martin Hoffmeister anselm at hoffmeister-online.de
Tue Jul 15 13:32:50 CDT 2008

Am Dienstag, den 15.07.2008, 14:02 -0400 schrieb Fidel Garcia:
> Need to have a different TONE for any internal call (EXT OR TRANSFER)
> from an external (outside) call. 
> Any suggestions?


I do not know what kind of tone you mean:

The sound of a phone that signals a call coming from internal/external?

The sound in the earpiece after you dialled while you wait for the other
end to pick up?

In the first case "distinctive ring" is probably the right term to
search for. You will have to decide wether your phones are SIP or ZAP
(or both, or different), because methods seem to differ.

As a start reading point have a look at

The mailing list archives contain a lot of information *hint*

Best regards


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