[asterisk-users] Interfacing pri card to legacy pbx

Nicolas Ross rossnick-lists at cybercat.ca
Tue Jul 15 07:49:14 CDT 2008

I cannot tell for sure for any system, but we have an old Portmaster PM3 
hooked-up from one port of our Sangoma A104d card, another one being from 

So, yes you can "emulate" the telco from a sangoma A10x card. Here's what I 
have in my zapata.conf :

;Sangoma A104 port 1 [slot:12 bus:0 span: 1]
channel => 1-23

;Sangoma A104 port 2 [slot:12 bus:0 span: 2]
channel => 25-47

You might have noticed that the signalling is different for both port. 
pri_net being the "telco emulatin" one. The clock needs also to be set on 
"master" in the wancfg utility.

Another thing, you might want to consider using a 2 port card for that, 
because the clock master needs a reference and I can't tell for sure if 
it'll work with a reference from another card.



> Hi guys,
> Can I use a Sangoma a101 to interface a legacy pbx to an Asterisk server?
> The pbx doesn't have sip and I want to come in off of a sip trunk and
> interface with the older system.
> I know I can use a pri card to hook in to the phone network, but can I use
> this same card to feed back the signaling as if I were the phone company 
> to
> the older system?
> Thanks,
> Tom

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