[asterisk-users] No service on phones...

Carlos Chavez cursor at telecomabmex.com
Fri Jul 11 14:13:50 CDT 2008

	Today I had a problem where the internet connection is unstable so
calls are getting dropped all over the place.  The one thing I do not
understand is that at least 30 phones on the internal network went to
"No Service".  Since they are on the same network segment and on the
same subnet I do not see why the Internet connection sould affect them.
The asterisk server is behing NAT and we use externip=201.161.XXX.XXX
for outside sip phones and providers.

	Any recommendations?

Telecomunicaciones Abiertas de México S.A. de C.V.
Carlos Chávez Prats
Director de Tecnología
+52-55-91169161 ext 2001

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