[asterisk-users] 2 AVM ISDN Fritzcards

Thorolf Godawa nospam at godawa.de
Wed Jul 9 14:29:40 CDT 2008


>> Has anyone managed to get 2 AVM ISDN Fritzcard's working in with
>> a 2.6 kernel system?
> Yes, with Suse 10.2/10.3 and chan_misdn.
are there any cheap (< 100 EUR) PCI-express ISDN-cards out that are
supported by Asterisk 1.4.x?

I would like to replace my SFF Pentium III with two PCI HFC-ISDN-cards
with a more modern SFF/USFF Core Duo system, but this only supports one
PCI and one PCIe - to get my internal ISDN-phone working I still expect
that I need my PCI HCF-ISDN-card, but for calling out I also can use
s.th. else!

Thanks a lot,

Chau y hasta luego,


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