[asterisk-users] sip channel error - extension pattern matching problem

Tomasz Zieleniewski tzieleniewski at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 08:40:39 CST 2008


When I have the following extension matching defined:
exten => _an_.,1,NoOp(-- Context routing-sip-announcement for ${EXTEN} --)

Asterisk doesn't find it when it receives such SIP request:
<--- SIP read from --->
INVITE sip:an_hellboy at ms.sip.rd.touk.pl SIP/2.0
Record-Route: <sip:;lr=on>

for instance when I use
such extension:
exten => _vm_.,1,NoOp(-- Context routing-sip-voicemail for ${EXTEN} --)

Asterisk finds extensions for RURI like:
<--- SIP read from --->
INVITE sip:vm_hellboy at ms.sip.rd.touk.pl SIP/2.0

Is this an error?
What did I miss off not?

Thanks in advance
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