[asterisk-users] Multiple Asterisk Servers. One Conference

Erik Anderson erikerik at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 22:07:08 CST 2008

On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 8:49 PM, Klaverstyn, David C
<David.Klaverstyn at intergraph.com> wrote:
> I currently have about 10 Asterisk servers scattered around the place each
> hosting their own dynamic conference centre.  Is there any way that when
> people join these conference centres on each server that somehow Asterisk
> bridges the conference centres on each server to form one large conference?

In theory, this wouldn't be difficult at all.  I'd imagine it could go
something like this: set up one central conference server.  Each
branch server would call an extension (zap/sip/iax/whatever) on the
main server, which in turn would dump it into a certain meetme room.
Alternatively, you could have the central server call out to the
branch servers and join them to the meetme room.

In practice, though, I have no idea how the audio quality would be.


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