[asterisk-users] realtime table customization to track iax registrations

Cavalera Claudio Luigi Claudio.Cavalera at italtel.it
Mon Feb 18 09:53:20 CST 2008

I'm experimenting with Asterisk and MySQL.
Up to know I've just put iax.conf in a MySQL database and it seems to
work: when a Iax2 client registers the corrispondent row in db is
updated. Good.
However when I have many asterisk boxes pointing to the same db a
problem arises: I need an additional column in iax_buddies table called
for example "Asterisk ID" which tells me on which asterisk box a
particular user is registered. Is there a way to achieve this? I've seen
this function:

  -= Info about function 'REALTIME' =-

REALTIME(family|fieldmatch[|value[|delim1[|delim2]]]) on read
REALTIME(family|fieldmatch|value|field) on write

RealTime Read/Write Functions

but I don't think I can use this during client registration as it will
only be available in dialplan.

Any hints appreciated.


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