[asterisk-users] Disconnect queues members every night

Benoit maverick at maverick.eu.org
Wed Dec 31 03:27:34 CST 2008


Well, i've made it that way, a AEL macro, that disconnect every member,
with the ability to except one:

macro empty_queue (queue,except)

        for (x=1; ${x} <= ${queueSize}; x=${x}+1) {

                if ("${except}" != "" && "${agentNum}" = "${except}") {
                } else {

And an extension that trigger it:
exten => 750,1,Macro(empty_queue,queue1)
exten => 750,n,Macro(empty_queue,queue2,888)

And last a cron job that generate a call file:
0 13,18 * * 1,2,3,4,5 asterisk echo -e "Channel:
Local/750 at queue-special\nContext: queue-special\nExtension: 750\n" >
/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`

(however the call file does trigger a warning or two when watching from
the console with verbose level 3)

Lenz Emilitri a écrit :
> You could use a very simple approach and just disconnect them all
> without caring if they are connected or not.
> Something like:
> asterisk -rx "agent logoff agent/101"
> asterisk -rx "agent logoff agent/102"
> asterisk -rx "agent logoff agent/103"
> ..and so on....
> to be executed at a given time.
> Of course I would put in place a monitoring mechanism first - if an
> agent has the responsability of logging off at the end of their shift,
> they must do so. Putting in place an automated soluition will make
> them sloppier, so be sure this is something you can control.
> Just my two eurocents,
> l.
> 2008/12/22 Benoit <maverick at maverick.eu.org
> <mailto:maverick at maverick.eu.org>>
>     Hi,
>     To force user to behave correctly, i want to make a process of
>     disconnecting
>     every member but one (special alarm phone) every day at a special
>     time.
>     I'm thinking of a cron job that will create a "call file" that
>     will dial an
>     appropriate extension to do the job, is this the correct way ?
>     I'm facing two problems however, the call file system is here to
>     connect a
>     channel to an extension, but since i want this to be fully
>     automated, i
>     can't ring
>     someone. Should i use the Local/ construct in this case ?
>     something like that would to do job (provided the extension is
>     'autodialout' in the context 'queue') ?
>        Channel: Local/autodialout at queues
>        Context: queues
>        Extension: autodialout
>     The other question is how to make this so it is working through
>     configuration upgrades,
>     There is a way to list user from a named queue
>     (QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST()) but
>     i can't find
>     a way to list all queues, is there one or should i manually maintain a
>     list ?
>     regards,
>     benoit
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