[asterisk-users] AEL Variable Warning Messages

Dave Fullerton dfullertasterisk at shorelinecontainer.com
Tue Dec 23 14:11:28 CST 2008

Brent Davidson wrote:
> Philipp Kempgen wrote:
>> Brent Davidson schrieb:
>>> macro outside-dial ( num ) {
>>>   if (${DB_EXISTS(Office/${CALLERID(num)})}) {
>>>     TRUNK="Zap/r2";
>>>   } else {
>>>     TRUNK="Zap/r1";
>>>   }
>>>   Dial(${TRUNK}/${num},,Ttok);
>>> }
>>> [Dec 23 12:16:22] WARNING[2994]: pbx_ael.c:2500 check_pval_item: 
>>> Warning: file /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, line 93-93: expression 
>>> "Zap/r2" has operators, but no variables. Interesting...
>>> [Dec 23 12:16:22] WARNING[2994]: pbx_ael.c:2500 check_pval_item: 
>>> Warning: file /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, line 95-95: expression 
>>> "Zap/r1" has operators, but no variables. Interesting...
>> I'd suggest
>>     Set(TRUNK=Zap/r2);
>> resp.
>>     Set(TRUNK=Zap/r1);
>>    Philipp Kempgen
> According to the AEL Documentation I should be able to set variables 
> without using the "Set" command.  They even give the following example:
> context foo {
>    555 => {
>         x=5;
>         y=blah;
>         divexample=10/2
>         NoOp(x is ${x} and y is ${y} !);
>    };
> };
> I wonder if maybe AEL is ignoring the double quotes and treating the 
> Zap/r2 as if it were division???  Should I file a bug report on this?

I had gotten similar messages when I forgot to put quotes around 
channels like that (took me forever to realize that one). Since you have 
them I would say this is a bug. What version of asterisk are you running?


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