[asterisk-users] Asterisk variable for SIP context

Eric "ManxPower" Wieling eric at fnords.org
Tue Dec 9 18:36:20 CST 2008

Mike wrote:
> Sure, that works too, but I needed access to context taken from the sip
> entry because I needed to goto(${that_context}), and that context varies
> depending on the phone used.  
> This is when setting __TRANSFER_CONTEXT in my cookie cutter really
> big/complexe/database driven extension.  I get
> __TRANSFER_CONTEX=transfer_context, but once in [transfer_context] I send
> the call to the right specific context using a Goto cmd.
> Else I would need to replicate that big extension for each of those outgoing
> context, which is, from a coding perspective, error prone when modifications
> are made later.

Can't you do a Set(ORIG_CONTEXT=${CONTEXT}) or 
Set(__ORIG_CONTEXT=${CONTEXT}) (syntax before 1.6, see upgrade.txt for 
the 1.6 format) before your Goto.

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