[asterisk-users] Stability unmatched!

Jeff LaCoursiere jeff at jeff.net
Mon Dec 8 12:52:07 CST 2008

On Mon, 8 Dec 2008, Gordon Henderson wrote:

> Pah! I take your 1000 days and raise you:
> % uptime
>  18:18:11 up 1146 days,  5:20,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.03, 0.01
> Other than as a test-bed some months back, this isn't an asterisk server
> though.

No fair!  Must be a server in active use for a true comparison.

Curse you, anyway, for deflating my dreams of a record breaking uptime :)

> Like me, you'll likely get whinged at: OMG!!! You've not updated/patched
> the kernel in all that time, you're sooooo vulnerable, etc., blah....

All of which are of course true and deserved.  In fact a few months back 
we were actually hacked and pwned - root access achieved no less!  For 
several days a battle of wits involving on both sides hidden directories 
full of RPMs and sshd's run on odd ports hiding themselves in the process 
list, killing processes as fast as they could be spawned, etc.  In the end 
the intruders finally gave up and ran out of holes, at least as far as I 
know :):)


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