[asterisk-users] cepstral vs festival

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Tue Dec 2 18:26:40 CST 2008

Hash: SHA1

John Todd a écrit :
> My results: The RealSpeak sample was more clear than the Cepstral.   
> But by how much?  I should probably test with more than just that one  
> phrase, but I can't say I'd prefer RealSpeak significantly over  
> Cepstral in this extremely limited case.  Does RealSpeak get better  
> long-term test results and comprehension/retention?  I know that  
> Cepstral is $50/port - the RealSpeak pricing is un-findable, which  
> tells me that it's significantly higher than Cepstral.  (Personal  
> peeve: at least put your list pricing on the website! <grumble>)

For French language, I find the quality of RealSpeak to be very good.
Festival was unusable (for French); I tried Cepstral but was deceived.
The price of RealSpeak is not far from an order of magnitude higher
compared to Cepstral.

> That being said, I'd really be interested in hearing if anyone has  
> done a RealSpeak-to-Asterisk conduit.  I wasn't able to quickly  
> uncover how they interact with third-party systems - is it VoIP?  A C  
> library?  Some sort of HTTP socket?  The more methods we can get  
> working with Asterisk, the better, because not every implementation of  
> a voice system has the same requirements...

That's a C library. I bought RealSpeak SDK, and developed app_realspeak
for Asterisk (1.2, then ported to 1.4). I've been using it since 2005
for my IVR projects, including telcos/banks/airlines :)

- --
Jean-Denis Girard

SysNux                  Systèmes  Linux  en Polynésie française
http://www.sysnux.pf/   Tél: +689 50 10 40 / GSM: +689 79 75 27


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