[asterisk-users] Paging, Polycom and whispers

Dave Fullerton dfullertasterisk at shorelinecontainer.com
Tue Dec 2 10:44:56 CST 2008

Mike wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to page a Polycom phone that is already in use (if, of
> course, the call isn't on speakerphone already)?

I've never been able to find a way. Any attempt I made either put the 
existing call on hold to auto-answer the page or the page just rang at 
the phone and then caused other issues.

I'm not sure you'll have any luck with other SIP phones either. What 
you're asking it to do is accept two simultaneous calls but put each 
call on a different listening device (handset/speakerphone in this case).

The closest you might get is to rig a dialplan that would use chanspy in 
whisper mode to play the page through the current audio device if the 
phone is busy. I don't know how to go about doing that however.


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