[asterisk-users] CDR Desgin

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at amooma.de
Mon Dec 1 11:25:02 CST 2008

JD schrieb:
> Steve Murphy wrote:

>> Brian Degenhardt had some code we just gave some
>> thought
>> to, wherein we determine if the last channel involved in a linkedID set
>> has been closed. If so, then the entire set is finished. We can use this
>> facility to get you a closing attribute, that could be added to the last
>> CDR emmitted for that set; OR, we could just emit another CDR with type
>> CLOSE or FINAL or something, that signals the end of the chain.

> Just thinking out loud: how about a feature wherein, after the FINAL is 
> sent, asterisk can
>   1. create a temp text file with just those entries, and
>   2. launch a user-made script.
> cdr_manager.conf
>   [general]
>   legparsecmd=/usr/local/bin/my_parser.pl
> wherein the linkedID is passed as the first parameter and the text file 
> name&path as the second
> Ignore this suggestion if it horribly complicates things.

I don't think it complicates things but do you really want to load
a Perl interpreter for each and every CDR?
Maybe it would be better to send a signal to a 3rd-party daemon
via dbus or a socket or somesuch.

   Philipp Kempgen

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