[asterisk-users] Need application, CID number match list to call cell phone

JR Richardson jmr.richardson at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 07:42:31 CDT 2008

> Is this a one VIP to one cell number match? Or is it on VIP to multiple
> cells?
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:28 PM, JR Richardson <jmr.richardson at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I received a request for a special application and need some guidance.
> >  Cust has there own Asterisk PBX with SIP phones, pretty standard
> > setup.
> >
> > They want an after hours application that checks inbound caller ID
> > numbers and matches them to a list, say 5 to 10 numbers of special VIP
> > customers, if there is a match on the list, then forward the call
> > straight to a cell phone, instead of ringing local extension and then
> > to voicemail.
> >
> > The customer also wants to be able to manage this VIP list and the
> > call forward cell phone number themselves, so it needs to be
> > configured, numbers added and deleted, through a web page on the PBX.
> >
> > So I'm thinking I need a dialplan app that has to interface with a
> > MySQL database that holds the list of numbers, so I can build a
> > webpage to add/delete the numbers.
> >
[JR Richardson] 
The info I have is one cell phone, like an on-call cell that gets passed
around to on-call individuals.  But being able to change this number to a
different cell from time to time is required.



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