[asterisk-users] Asterisk Realtime pounds MySQL

Al Baker bwentdg at pipeline.com
Mon Aug 25 16:05:42 CDT 2008

J.M. wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 7:41 PM, Tilghman Lesher 
> <tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com 
> <mailto:tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com>> wrote:
>     On Thursday 21 August 2008 10:08:53 J.M. wrote:
>     > I am running Asterisk <> with Realtime.
>      I have a phone setup in the
>     > database and when I connect that phone to Asterisk there are
>     suddenly an
>     > endless number of "SELECT * FROM sip WHERE name = '1001' AND host =
>     > 'dynamic'" queries being run.  The only way to stop the flood of
>     queries
>     > coming from Asterisk to restart the Asterisk process.  Even
>     disconnecting
>     > the phone doesn't stop Asterisk from running the queries.
>     >
>     > Has anyone seen this before?  Why would Asterisk do that and
>     does anyone
>     > know the fix?
>     Asterisk does that because realtime data is not cached by default,
>     so for each
>     access of the peer in question, Asterisk needs to reload the data
>     on the peer
>     from the database.  If you'd like, turn on rtcachefriends in
>     sip.conf, which
>     will cache the peer for the duration of the registration interval
>     (or whatever
>     you have rtexpire set to).  Also, to get correct behavior on
>     reload, you'll
>     need to have rtupdate turned on.  Some of the behavior isn't quite
>     right in
> <>, even, but it should be fixed once
>     1.4.22 is released.
>     BTW, I would otherwise have responded sooner, but I am on vacation
>     this week,
>     and I am not responding to email as quickly as I would usually.
> Another way, which has worked so far for me, is to set the "qualify" 
> field in the "sip" table (or whatever you called the table that 
> corresponds to the sip.conf file) to "no".  I found this out from 
> reading the following URL: 
> http://www.asteriskguru.com/tutorials/peer_is_now_unreachable.html
> If this continues to work it has the advantages of putting as little 
> in the .conf files as is possible and keeping the real-time feel of 
> using a database without having to worry about whether the cache is 
> updated or not.
> jm
Ok, but WHY is he getting an "ENDLESS" # of selects.
Sure * needs to get the data, but unless he had an ENDLESS series of 
CALLS to/from that phone
should * be making all those queries ??

 HOW is this going to scale up ?

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