[asterisk-users] SIP pedantic (was: Re: Help with Asterisk to Huawei SoftX3000 registry problem)

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at amooma.de
Tue Aug 19 08:09:17 CDT 2008

Nestor A. Diaz schrieb:
> Philipp Kempgen wrote:
>> Did you enable pedantic=yes in sip.conf?
> thank you very much for your help, it fix the problem.
> Is there any other issue that i have to take in mind for placing calls ? 

I don't know the Huawai softswitch. Just noticed the multiline
headers so pedantic=yes is required.

> is there any option for set up pedantic for selected peers ?

No, it's a global setting.

> i use 
> broadvoice too and it requires pedantic=no on the configuration: 
> http://www.broadvoice.com/support_install_asterisk.html , how can 
> coexist this two peers on just one asterisk ?

Try if it works with pedantic. Anything which requires pedantic=no
is likely to be broken.

Philipp Kempgen
http://www.das-asterisk-buch.de  -  http://www.the-asterisk-book.com
Amooma GmbH - Bachstr. 126 - 56566 Neuwied  ->  http://www.amooma.de
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Wintermeyer, Handelsregister: Neuwied B14998

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