[asterisk-users] need examples of asterisk and mysql integration
Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.info
Tue Apr 22 15:49:25 CDT 2008
On 13:13, Tue 22 Apr 08, Eric Fort wrote:
> I'm presently working on a project to build a scheduling system
> accessible by both web and phone. on the web side one can query what
> items are available when by using the time or the item as a key then
> reserve for an available time slot. reservations may also be modified
> by the user that made them or an admin. Where may I find examples of
> doing similar things with asterisk? all I've been able to find thus
> far is examples of how to store call detail records and voicemail
> using a database.
With AGI you can write logic in whatever language fits you best.
if you like perl, use the asterisk-perl stuff.
if you like php, you can use the native mysql stuff
if you like bash, you can use the mysql commandline client
etc etc
You can even use the MYSQL dialplan functions. Not sure where they are,
I think in -addons.
Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.eu
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