[asterisk-users] Is Asterisk really good??

Steve Edwards asterisk.org at sedwards.com
Sun Apr 13 21:08:44 CDT 2008

On Mon, 14 Apr 2008, Bernd Felsche wrote:

> Steve Edwards <asterisk.org at sedwards.com> wrote:
>> I'm mainly interested in "consistency" in configuration. The "method" has
>> to be sophisticated enough to handle "this box has 2 Ethernet interfaces
>> so I should configure OpenSER and Asterisk to listen to both IP addresses
>> on ports 5060 and 5061 respectively." This would preclude rsync.
> Why do you think that that would preclude rsync?

Well, it may be based on my ignorance :)

Can rsync mung a stanza from iax.conf like:

          disallow                       = all
         allow                           = ulaw
         mailboxdetail                   = no
         notransfer                      = yes
         port                            = 5036
         register                        = ${HOSTNAME}:${PASSWORD}@example.com
         trunk                           = no

and insert the appropriate values?

Can rsync create /etc/sysconfig/openser like:

# Created by ./host-setup.sh on 2008-04-12 17:55:03

         OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -l a.b.c.d:5060"
         OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -l a.b.c.e:5060"

# (end of /etc/sysconfig/openser)

where a.b.c.d and a.b.c.e are the IP address of eth0 and eth1? (And the 
3rd line would only be created if there are 2 interfaces.)

Thanks in advance,
Steve Edwards      sedwards at sedwards.com      Voice: +1-760-468-3867 PST
Newline                                             Fax: +1-760-731-3000

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